The Brazilian War of Independence
by Mike Boska
v0.1 ALPHA (5/5/2020 Build)
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[[Begin Game->Introduction]]
In 1821 revolts began in Brazil against the tyrannical rule of the Portuguese Empire. Prince Regent Dom Pedro led the free people of Brazil to seek their freedom from King John VI.
Can you lead Dom Pedro to overthrow the oppressive Portuguese???
(set: $BrazilNavySize to 0)
(set: $PortugalNavySize to 54)
(set: $PortugalRaiders to 15)
(set: $PortugalSupplyStrength to 100)
(set: $BrazilTreasury to 86)
(set: $BrazilMorale to 100)
(set: $PortugalMorale to 100)
(set: $PortsOccupied to 3)
(set: $FreePorts to 4)
(set: $GameYear to 1821)
(set: $GovernmentType to "Colonial")
(set: $SlaveryStatus to "Legal")
(set: $LandreformStatus to "Status Quo")
(set: $WarAim to "Constitutional Autonomy")
(set: $ModerateSupport to 50)
(set: $ForeignAid to 0)
(set: $MajorVictories to 0)
(set: $PortugalArmy to 18000)
(set: $ProvincesOccupied to 11)
(set: $FreeProvinces to 60)
(set: $BrazilArmy to 6500)
(set: $BrazilSupplyRate to 25)
(set: $BrazilForts to 0)
(set: $BrazilCampaignBonus to 0)
(set: $NavalStrategy to "None")
(set: $CortesMajority to 188)
[[Naval Phase->Navy]]
Brazilian Navy: $BrazilNavySize ships
Portuguese Navy: $PortugalNavySize ships
Risk of Raid: $PortugalRaiders supply loss.
Current Treasury: $ $BrazilTreasury
Ports Occupied: $PortsOccupied ($FreePorts free)
Our spies estimate Portugal is able to reinforce their armies at $PortugalSupplyStrength %.
You meet with Admiral Barbosa. "Sir, we've got to decide on production levels for this year's campaign."
Ports Available for Production: $FreePorts
(set: $PartialCost to ($FreePorts * 7))
(set: $FullCost to ($FreePorts * 14))
None: $ 0 [[Select->NavyProductionNone]]
Partial: $ $PartialCost [[Select->NavyProductionPartial]]
Full: $ $FullCost [[Select->NavyProductionFull]]
[[Consult with Minister Custaro->NavyConsult]]
You decide it is safer to spend the resources elsewhere.
[[Naval Action Phase->NavyActionPhase]]Minister Custaro looks at you gravely.
"For us to secure Brazilian independence, we must have a strong navy to cut off the supplies of the occupiers. Our port cities are capable of producing ships, but of course, this comes at a cost."
He takes a considered puff of his pipe. "We have a limited budget for each year's campaign. If you spend too much on one cause, it could limit us in other areas."
"Of course, if you win a naval victory here or there, it's going to be great for morale. And having a navy will not only help us cut off Portuguese supplies, but potentially defend or capture other port cities."
(set: $RecommendationGiven to 0)
(if: $BrazilNavySize is 0)["If you are hoping for a suggestion, might I suggest we build a ship or two. At least show the bastards that they don't completely run the sea around our territory." (set: $RecommendationGiven to 1)]
(if: $BrazilNavySize is > 0 and $BrazilNavySize is < $PortugalNavySize and $RecommendationGiven is 0)["My advice is that we keep up the production until our fleet is a match for theirs, but don't forget we have an army to supply as well." (set: $RecommendationGiven to 1)]
[[Return to Decision->Navy]](set: $BrazilTreasury to ($BrazilTreasury - $PartialCost))
(set: $NewShips to ($FreePorts * 2))
Your port cities work at partial capacity and produce $NewShips new vessels.
Your treasury for the year is now at $ $BrazilTreasury
(set: $BrazilNavySize to ($BrazilNavySize + $NewShips))
The Brazilian Navy how has $BrazilNavySize proud ships of war.
[[Move on->NavyActionPhase]] (set: $BrazilTreasury to ($BrazilTreasury - $FullCost))
(set: $NewShips to ($FreePorts * 4))
Your port cities work at full capacity and produce $NewShips new vessels.
Your treasury for the year is now at $ $BrazilTreasury
(set: $BrazilNavySize to ($BrazilNavySize + $NewShips))
The Brazilian Navy how has $BrazilNavySize proud ships of war.
[[Move on->NavyActionPhase]]NAVAL ACTION PHASE
Brazilian Navy: $BrazilNavySize ships
Portuguese Navy: $PortugalNavySize ships
Risk of Raid: $PortugalRaiders supply loss.
Current Treasury: $BrazilTreasury
Ports Occupied: $PortsOccupied
Free Ports: $FreePorts
Our spies estimate Portugal is able to reinforce their armies at $PortugalSupplyStrength %.
You meet with Admiral Barbosa.
(if: $BrazilNavySize is 0)["Don't look at me," he says. "All I've got is a rusty kitchen knife and an old rowboat." Build ships to take naval action. [[Political Phase->PoliticalPhase]]]
(if: $BrazilNavySize > 0)[
"Sir, what are our orders for this year?"
[[Interdict Enemy Supplies->NavyActionInderdict]]
[[Defend Against Raids->NavyActionDefendRaid]]
[[Port Defense->NavyActionPortDefense]]
[[Port Attack->NavyActionPortAttack]]
[[Engage Enemy Fleet->NavyActionFleetAttack]]
[[Consult with Minister Custaro->NavyActionConsult]]
Brazilian Morale: $BrazilMorale
Portuguese Morale: $PortugalMorale
Government Type: $GovernmentType
Slavery: $SlaveryStatus
Land Reforms: $LandreformStatus
War Aim: $WarAim
Moderate Support: $ModerateSupport
(if: $GovernmentType is "Colonial")[
[[Reform Government->PoliticalReformGovernment]]
(if: $SlaveryStatus is "Legal")[
[[Abolish Slavery->PoliticalAbolishSlavery]]
(if: $LandreformStatus is "Status Quo")[
[[Economic Reform->PoliticalLandReform]]
(if: $WarAim is "Constitutional Autonomy")[
[[Declare Independence->PoliticalDeclareIndependence]]
[[Consult with Minister Custaro->PoliticalConsult]]
[[Next phase->DiplomacyPhase]]Minister Custaro takes a long drag on his cigar.
"We have several options on how to use our navy. The safest, and most straightforward way, is to defend our ports from enemy capture. This risks our ships the least, and minimizes the risk that the Portuguese dogs are able to capture more of our ports which we rely on for foreign aid, naval production, and so on."
"Of course, if we disperse our fleet, it's slightly more dangerous, but we can try to pick off weakly guarded Portuguese transports and supply ships. The more we succeed at this each year, the harder it will be for them to supply their armies here in Brazil. If their armies have no supply, they will fight at a tremendous disadvantage."
"If we engage the enemy's commerce raiders, we can win some minor skirmishes, gathering morale and support for our cause. Not to mention, protect us from the enemy's own supply raids. But this is even more dangerous if we are outnumbered."
"We can always send our marines and fleet to try to retake a friendly port. But this puts at risk all of our ships! We'd better not try this unless we have enough ships to take the fight to the enemy."
"Finally, we can put the entire fleet to sea and try to force the Portuguese into a naval fight. If we beat their ships in battle, their entire operation here is as good as dead. But their navy is one of the biggest and best in the world, and it would be insane to take them on without a clear advantage."
(set: $RecommendationGiven to 0)
(set: $StrengthRatio to ($PortugalNavySize / $BrazilNavySize))
(if: $StrengthRatio is < 1 and $PortsOccupied > 0 and $RecommendationGiven is 0)["If you are hoping for a suggestion, might I suggest we retake all of our friendly ports." (set: $RecommendationGiven to 1)]
(if: $StrengthRatio is > 2)["If you are asking what I think, now is the time to play it safe, and build up to greater power. Hold the ports we have at all costs." (set: $RecommendationGiven to 1)]
[[Back to Decision->NavyActionPhase]] Admiral Barbosa is directed to allocate his fleet to trying to interdict Portuguese supplies.
(set: $NavalStrategy to "Interdiction")
[[Move on->PoliticalPhase]] Admiral Barbosa is directed to allocate his fleet to defending against enemy raids on our own supply lines and shipping.
(set: $NavalStrategy to "Raid Defense")
[[Move on->PoliticalPhase]] Admiral Barbosa is directed to allocate his fleet to defending Brazilian ports from Portuguese attack.
(set: $NavalStrategy to "Port Defense")
[[Move on->PoliticalPhase]] Admiral Barbosa is directed to allocate his fleet to attempting to recapture a friendly port.
(set: $NavalStrategy to "Port Attack")
[[Move on->PoliticalPhase]] Admiral Barbosa is directed to allocate his fleet to engaging the enemy force in a general action to seize control of the seas.
(set: $NavalStrategy to "Fleet Attack")
[[Move on->PoliticalPhase]] DIPLOMACY PHASE - $GameYear
Brazilian Morale: $BrazilMorale
Portuguese Morale: $PortugalMorale
Slavery: $SlaveryStatus
War Aim: $WarAim
Current Treasury: $ $BrazilTreasury
Current Foreign Aid Level: $ $ForeignAid
Major Battles Won: $MajorVictories
Each of your appointed ambassadors to the world's major powers implores you to take time from your schedule to meet with a representative personally in the hopes of securing more support for our cause. Unfortunately, we only have the time and resources to allow one major initiative per season.
Which ambassador will you meet with?
[[Great Britain->DiplomacyBritain]]
[[United States->DiplomacyUSA]]
[[Consult with Minister Custaro->DiplomacyConsult]]
[[Army Planning Phase->ArmyPlanningPhase]]ARMY PLANNING PHASE - $GameYear
Brazilian Morale: $BrazilMorale
Portuguese Morale: $PortugalMorale
Current Treasury: $ $BrazilTreasury
Major Battles Won: $MajorVictories
Ports Occupied: $PortsOccupied ($FreePorts free)
Enemy Supply: $PortugalSupplyStrength %
Forts: $BrazilForts
The Portuguese Army consists of $PortugalArmy troops within our territory, occupying $ProvincesOccupied of our provinces!
Our brave army consists of $BrazilArmy troops valiantly defending $FreeProvinces remaining provinces. However they are supplied at only a $BrazilSupplyRate % rate.
FORTIFY DEFENSES $25 [[Select->ArmyPlanningFortify]]
OFFENSIVE CAMPAIGN $25 [[Select->ArmyPlanningOffensive]]
RECRUIT TROOPS $25 [[Select->ArmyPlanningRecruit]]
RESUPPLY $25 [[Select->ArmyPlanningSupply]]
[[Consult with Minister Custaro->ArmyPlanningConsult]]
[[Naval Resolution Phase->NavalResolution]]NAVAL RESOLUTION PHASE - $GameYear
Brazilian Navy: $BrazilNavySize ships
Portuguese Navy: $PortugalNavySize ships
Risk of Raid: $PortugalRaiders supply loss.
Current Treasury: $BrazilTreasury
Ports Occupied: $PortsOccupied ($FreePorts free)
Brazilian Morale: $BrazilMorale
Portuguese Morale: $PortugalMorale
Our Naval Strategy this year is $NavalStrategy
(if: $NavalStrategy is not "Raid Defense")[
Portuguese commerce raiders disrupt our Supply Rate by $PortugalRaiders %.
(set: $BrazilSupplyRate to ($BrazilSupplyRate - $PortugalRaiders))
(if: $NavalStrategy is "Raid Defense")[
(set: $BrazilCombatPower to $BrazilNavySize)
(if: $BrazilMorale > $PortugalMorale)[(set: $BrazilCombatPower to ($BrazilCombatPower * 1.5))]
(set: $BrazilDiceRoll to (random:1, 6))
(set: $BrazilCombatPower to ($BrazilCombatPower + $BrazilDiceRoll))
(set: $PortugalCombatPower to $PortugalRaiders)
(if: $PortugalMorale > $BrazilMorale)[(set: $PortugalCombatPower to ($PortugalCombatPower * 1.5))]
(set: $PortugalDiceRoll to (random:1, 6))
(set: $PortugalCombatPower to ($PortugalCombatPower + $PortugalDiceRoll))
(if: $PortugalCombatPower > $BrazilCombatPower)[
(set: $ShipsLost to (random: 1, $BrazilNavySize))
(set: $EnemyShipsLost to (random: 1, $PortugalRaiders))
(if: $EnemyShipsLost > $ShipsLost)[(set: $EnemyShipsLost to $ShipsLost)]
Our fleet managed to sink $EnemyShipsLost Portuguese raiders but we lost $ShipsLost vessels in the process. (Defeat).
(set: $MoraleDelta to ($MoraleDelta - 10))
(set: $BrazilNavySize to ($BrazilNavySize - $ShipsLost))
(set: $PortugalRaiders to ($PortugalRaiders - $EnemyShipsLost))
The remaining Portuguese commerce raiders disrupt our Supply Rate by $PortugalRaiders %.
(set: $BrazilSupplyRate to ($BrazilSupplyRate - $PortugalRaiders))
(if: $PortugalCombatPower <= $BrazilCombatPower)[
(set: $ShipsLost to (random: 1, $BrazilNavySize))
(set: $EnemyShipsLost to (random: 1, $PortugalRaiders))
(if: $EnemyShipsLost < $ShipsLost)[(set: $EnemyShipsLost to $ShipsLost)]
Our fleet managed to sink $EnemyShipsLost Portuguese raiders but we lost $ShipsLost vessels in the process. (Victory).
(set: $MoraleDelta to ($MoraleDelta + 10))
(set: $BrazilNavySize to ($BrazilNavySize - $ShipsLost))
(set: $PortugalRaiders to ($PortugalRaiders - $EnemyShipsLost))
The remaining Portuguese commerce raiders disrupt our Supply Rate by $PortugalRaiders %.
(set: $BrazilSupplyRate to ($BrazilSupplyRate - $PortugalRaiders))
(if: $NavalStrategy is "Interdiction")[
(set: $VictoryChance to (random:1, 2))
(if: $VictoryChance is 1)[
(set: $EnemyShipsLost to (random:1, 6))
(set: $ShipsLost to (random: 1, 5))
Our ships were able to sink $EnemyShipsLost vessels while losing only $ShipsLost of our own. (Victory)
This has reduced the enemy's Supply Rate!
(set: $MoraleDelta to ($MoraleDelta + 10))
(set: $PortugalSupplyStrength to ($PortugalSupplyStrength - $EnemyShipsLost))
(if: $VictoryChance is 2)[
(set: $EnemyShipsLost to (random:1, 5))
(set: $ShipsLost to (random:1, 6))
Our ships sunk $EnenemyShipsLost vessels while losing $ShipsLost of our own. (Defeat) We have failed to impact the enemy's ability to supply.
(set: $MoraleDelta to ($MoraleDelta - 10))
(set: $BrazilNavySize to ($BrazilNavySize - $ShipsLost))
(set: $PortugalNavySize to ($PortugalNavySize - $EnemyShipsLost))
(if: $NavalStrategy is "Fleet Attack")[
(set: $ShipsSunk to (random:1, $BrazilNavySize))
(if: $BrazilMorale > $PortugalMorale)[(set: $ShipsSunk to ($ShipsSunk + 2))]
(set: $ShipsLost to (random:1, $PortugalNavySize))
(if: $PortugalMorale > $BrazilMorale)[(set: $ShipsLost to ($ShipsLost + 2))]
(if: $ShipsSunk >= $ShipsLost)[
In a major naval battle, Admiral Barbosa manages to sink $ShipsSunk enemy ships, losing $ShipsLost in the process! (Victory)
(set: $MoraleDelta to ($MoraleDelta + 15))
(if: $ShipsSunk < $ShipsLost)[
Our naval forces engaged Portugal's fleet in a major action! We were able to sink $ShipsSunk enemy ships but lost $ShipsLost. (Defeat)
(set: $MoraleDelta to ($MoraleDelta - 15))
(set: $BrazilNavySize to ($BrazilNavySize - $ShipsLost))
(set: $PortugalNavySize to ($PortugalNavySize - $ShipsSunk))
(if: $NavalStrategy is "Port Attack")[
(set: $BaseBrazilPower to $BrazilNavySize)
(if: $BrazilMorale > $PortugalMorale)[(set: $BaseBrazilPower to ($BaseBrazilPower + 10))]
(set: $Cannonballs to (random: 1, $BrazilNavySize))
(set: $BaseBrazilPower to ($BaseBrazilPower + $Cannonballs))
(set: $BasePortugalPower to $PortugalNavySize)
(if: $PortugalMorale > $BrazilMorale)[(set: $BasePortugalPower to ($BasePortugalPower + 10))]
(set: $Cannonballs to (random: 1, $PortugalNavySize))
(set: $BasePortugalPower to ($BasePortugalPower + $Cannonballs))
Brazil: $BaseBrazilPower cannon hits; Portugal: $BasePortugalPower hits
(if: $BaseBrazilPower > $BasePortugalPower)[
Admiral Barbosa also reports that we have successfully retaken a port from the enemy! (Victory)
(set: $MoraleDelta to ($MoraleDelta + 5))
(set: $PortsOccupied to ($PortsOccupied - 1))
(set: $FreePorts to ($FreePorts + 1))
(set: $EnemyLosses to (random:1, 4))
(set: $OurLosses to (random:1, 2))
The operation cost us $OurLosses ships but we sunk $EnemyLosses of the enemy's.
(set: $BrazilNavySize to ($BrazilNavySize - $OurLosses))
(set: $PortugalNavySize to ($PortugalNavySize - $EnemyLosses))
(if: $BaseBrazilPower <= $BasePortugalPower)[
Admiral Barbosa reports that our attempt to liberate a port from the enemy was unsuccessful. (Defeat)
(set: $MoraleDelta to ($MoraleDelta - 5))
(set: $EnemyLosses to (random:1, 2))
(set: $OurLosses to (random:1, 4))
The operation cost us $OurLosses ships but we sunk $EnemyLosses of the enemy's.
(set: $BrazilNavySize to ($BrazilNavySize - $OurLosses))
(set: $PortugalNavySize to ($PortugalNavySize - $EnemyLosses))
(if: $NavalStrategy is "Port Defense" or "None" or "Raid Defense")[
(set: $BaseBrazilPower to $BrazilNavySize)
(if: $BrazilMorale > $PortugalMorale)[(set: $BaseBrazilPower to ($BaseBrazilPower + 10))]
(if: $NavalStrategy is "Port Defense")[(set: $BaseBrazilPower to ($BaseBrazilPower + 15))]
(set: $Cannonballs to (random: 1, $BrazilNavySize))
(set: $BaseBrazilPower to ($BaseBrazilPower + $Cannonballs))
(set: $BasePortugalPower to $PortugalNavySize)
(if: $PortugalMorale > $BrazilMorale)[(set: $BasePortugalPower to ($BasePortugalPower + 10))]
(set: $Cannonballs to (random: 1, $PortugalNavySize))
(set: $BasePortugalPower to ($BasePortugalPower + $Cannonballs))
Brazil: $BaseBrazilPower cannon hits; Portugal: $BasePortugalPower hits
(if: $BaseBrazilPower > $BasePortugalPower)[
Admiral Barbosa also reports that we have successfully rebuffed an attempt by the Portuguese to capture a port! (Victory)
(set: $MoraleDelta to ($MoraleDelta + 5))
(set: $EnemyLosses to (random:1, 4))
(set: $OurLosses to (random:1, 2))
The operation cost us $OurLosses ships but we sunk $EnemyLosses of the enemy's.
(set: $BrazilNavySize to ($BrazilNavySize - $OurLosses))
(set: $PortugalNavySize to ($PortugalNavySize - $EnemyLosses))
(if: $BaseBrazilPower <= $BasePortugalPower)[
Admiral Barbosa reports that the Portuguese fleet has managed to lay siege to and capture another of our valuable port cities. (Defeat)
(set: $MoraleDelta to ($MoraleDelta - 5))
(set: $EnemyLosses to (random:1, 2))
(set: $OurLosses to (random:1, 4))
The operation cost us $OurLosses ships but we sunk $EnemyLosses of the enemy's.
(set: $BrazilNavySize to ($BrazilNavySize - $OurLosses))
(set: $PortugalNavySize to ($PortugalNavySize - $EnemyLosses))
(set: $PortsOccupied to ($PortsOccupied + 1))
(set: $FreePorts to ($FreePorts - 1))
[[Army Resolution Phase->ArmyResolution]]ARMY RESOLUTION PHASE
Brazilian Morale: $BrazilMorale
Portuguese Morale: $PortugalMorale
Current Treasury: $ $BrazilTreasury
Major Battles Won: $MajorVictories
Ports Occupied: $PortsOccupied ($FreePorts free)
Enemy Supply: $PortugalSupplyStrength %
Forts: $BrazilForts
The Portuguese Army consists of $PortugalArmy troops within our territory, occupying $ProvincesOccupied of our provinces!
Our brave army consists of $BrazilArmy troops valiantly defending $FreeProvinces remaining provinces. However they are supplied at only a $BrazilSupplyRate % rate.
Brazilian Campaign Bonus: $BrazilCampaignBonus
(set: $BrazilCombatPower to ($BrazilArmy / 1000))
(set: $CampaignBonus to ($BrazilCombatPower * .5))
(set: $CampaignBonus to ($CampaignBonus * $BrazilCampaignBonus))
(set: $BrazilCombatPower to ($BrazilCombatPower + $CampaignBonus))
(if: $BrazilMorale > $PortugalMorale)[(set: $BrazilCombatPower to ($BrazilCombatPower + 10))]
(if: $BrazilSupplyRate > $PortugalSupplyStrength)[(set: $BrazilCombatPower to ($BrazilCombatPower + 10))]
(set: $PortugalCombatPower to ($PortugalArmy / 1000))
(if: $PortugalMorale > $BrazilMorale)[(set: $PortugalCombatPower to ($PortugalCombatPower + 10))]
(if: $PortugalSupplyStrength > $BrazilSupplyRate)[(set: $PortugalCombatPower to ($PortugalCombatPower + 10))]
(set: $DiceRoll to (random:1, 6))
1st Dice: $DiceRoll
(set: $PortugalCombatPower to ($PortugalCombatPower + $DiceRoll))
(set: $DiceRoll to (random:1, 6))
2nd Dice: $DiceRoll
(set: $BrazilCombatPower to ($BrazilCombatPower + $DiceRoll))
(if: $PortugalCombatPower >= $BrazilCombatPower)[
(set: $Difference to ($PortugalCombatPower - $BrazilCombatPower))
(set: $ProvincesConquered to $Difference)
(set: $ProvincesConquered to ($ProvincesConquered - $Forts))
(set: $ProvincesConquered to (round: $ProvincesConquered))
Portuguese troops were able to conquer $ProvincesConquered additional provinces.
(set: $ProvincesOccupied to ($ProvincesOccupied + $ProvincesConquered))
(set: $FreeProvinces to ($FreeProvinces - $ProvincesConquered))
(set: $RandomEffect to (random:1, 2))
(if: $RandomEffect is 1)[They won a significant battle in defeating our army! (set: $MoraleDelta to ($MoraleDelta - 20))]
(set: $Losses to 6000)
(if: $Difference > 5)[(set: $Losses to ($Losses + 5000))]
(set: $EnemyLosses to (random:1000, $BrazilArmy))
During the year's campaigns our troops lost $Losses men and inflicted $EnemyLosses casualties.
(if: $PortugalCombatPower < $BrazilCombatPower)[
(set: $Difference to ($BrazilCombatPower - $PortugalCombatPower))
(set: $ProvincesLiberated to $Difference)
(if: $ProvincesLiberated > $ProvincesOccupied)[(set: $ProvincesLiberated to $ProvincesOccupied)]
(set: $ProvincesLiberated to (round: $ProvincesLiberated))
Our forces were able to liberate $ProvincesLiberated provinces from Portuguese control!
(if: $ProvincesLiberated is 0)[Free to operate within the interior of the country, our army laid siege to an occupied port and successfully forced its surrender! We have freed a port from enemy control. (set: $FreePorts to ($FreePorts + 1)) (set: $PortsOccupied to ($PortsOccupied - 1)) ]
(set: $ProvincesOccupied to ($ProvincesOccupied - $ProvincesLiberated))
(set: $FreeProvinces to ($FreeProvinces + $ProvincesLiberated))
(set: $RandomEffect to (random:1, 2))
(if: $RandomEffect is 1)[We won a significant battle in defeating their army! (set: $MoraleDelta to ($MoraleDelta + 20)) (set: $MajorVictories to $MajorVictories + 1))]
(set: $EnemyLosses to 6000)
(if: $Difference > 5)[(set: $EnemyLosses to ($EnemyLosses + 5000))]
(set: $Losses to (random:1000, $PortugalArmy))
During the year's campaigns our troops lost $Losses men and inflicted $EnemyLosses casualties.
(set: $PortugalArmy to ($PortugalArmy - $EnemyLosses))
(set: $BrazilArmy to ($BrazilArmy - $Losses))
[[Morale Phase->MoraleImpactPhase]]MORALE IMPACT PHASE
(if: $BrazilMorale > 100)[(set: $BrazilMorale to 100)]
(if: $PortugalMorale > 100)[(set: $PortugalMorale to 100)]
Portuguese Morale: $PortugalMorale
Brazilian Morale: $BrazilMorale
Due to the events of the year, our Morale has been affected by $MoraleDelta
(set: $BrazilMorale to ($BrazilMorale + $MoraleDelta))
(set: $ReverseDelta to ($MoraleDelta * -1))
(set: $PortugalMorale to ($PortugalMorale + $ReverseDelta))
(if: $BrazilMorale > 100)[(set: $BrazilMorale to 100)]
(if: $PortugalMorale > 100)[(set: $PortugalMorale to 100)]
(if: $BrazilMorale < 0)[(set: $BrazilMorale to 0)]
(if: $PortugalMorale < 0)[(set: $PortugalMorale to 0)]
New Morale:
Portuguese Morale: $PortugalMorale
Brazilian Morale: $BrazilMorale
[[Diplomacy Update Phase->DiplomaticUpdates]]DIPLOMATIC UPDATES PHASE
(if: $DiplomacyTarget is "Portugal")[
(set: $BaseRate to 66)
(if: $WarAim is not "Independence")[(set: $BaseRate to $BaseRate + 15)]
(set: $RandomNumber to (random:1, 100))
(set: $VictoryLap to (random:1, 22))
(if: $RandomNumber <= $BaseRate)[The Portuguese Ambassador reports that he has persuaded $VictoryLap members of the Cortes to defect from supporting the war! (set: $CortesMajority to ($CortesMajority - $VictoryLap)) King John's majority is now only $CortesMajority seats.]
(if: $RandomNumber > $BaseRate)[The Portuguese Ambassador regrets to report that despite his efforts, he has failed to cause any defections in the Cortes.]
(if: $DiplomacyTarget is "Great Britain")[
(set: $BaseRate to 45)
(if: $SlaveryStatus is "Abolished")[(set: $BaseRate to $BaseRate + 15)]
(if: $MajorVictories > 2)[(set: $BaseRate to $BaseRate + 15)]
(if: $WarAim is "Independence")[(set: $BaseRate to $BaseRate + 15)]
(set: $RandomNumber to (random:1, 100))
(if: $RandomNumber <= $BaseRate)[The British Ambassador reports that he has succeeded. They have agreed to increase foreign aid by $10 per annum. (set: $ForeignAid to ($ForeignAid + 10))]
(if: $RandomNumber > $BaseRate)[The British Ambassador regrets to report that there have been no positive developments this year.]
(if: $DiplomacyTarget is "France")[
(set: $BaseRate to 25)
(if: $SlaveryStatus is "Abolished")[(set: $BaseRate to $BaseRate + 25)]
(if: $MajorVictories > 1)[(set: $BaseRate to $BaseRate + 15)]
(if: $WarAim is "Independence")[(set: $BaseRate to $BaseRate + 15)]
(set: $RandomNumber to (random:1, 100))
(if: $RandomNumber <= $BaseRate)[The French Ambassador reports that he has succeeded. They have agreed to increase foreign aid by $7 per annum. (set: $ForeignAid to ($ForeignAid + 7))]
(if: $RandomNumber > $BaseRate)[The French Ambassador regrets to report that there have been no positive developments this year.]
(if: $DiplomacyTarget is "Netherlands")[
(set: $BaseRate to 65)
(if: $SlaveryStatus is "Abolished")[(set: $BaseRate to $BaseRate + 25)]
(if: $MajorVictories > 0)[(set: $BaseRate to $BaseRate + 15)]
(if: $WarAim is "Independence")[(set: $BaseRate to $BaseRate + 15)]
(set: $RandomNumber to (random:1, 100))
(if: $RandomNumber <= $BaseRate)[The Dutch Ambassador reports that he has succeeded. They have agreed to increase foreign aid by $5 per annum. (set: $ForeignAid to ($ForeignAid + 5)) ]
(if: $RandomNumber > $BaseRate)[The Dutch Ambassador regrets to report that there have been no positive developments this year.]
(if: $DiplomacyTarget is "United States")[
(set: $BaseRate to 50)
(if: $SlaveryStatus is "Abolished")[(set: $BaseRate to $BaseRate - 20)]
(if: $MajorVictories > 1)[(set: $BaseRate to $BaseRate + 15)]
(if: $WarAim is "Independence")[(set: $BaseRate to $BaseRate + 15)]
(set: $RandomNumber to (random:1, 100))
(if: $RandomNumber <= $BaseRate)[The American Ambassador reports that he has succeeded. They have agreed to increase foreign aid by $10 per annum. (set: $ForeignAid to ($ForeignAid + 10))]
(if: $RandomNumber > $BaseRate)[The American Ambassador regrets to report that there have been no positive developments this year.]
[[Economic Updates Phase->EconomicPhase]]ECONOMIC PHASE - $GameYear
(set: $PortIncome to ($FreePorts * 4))
Budget Surplus: $ $BrazilTreasury
Province Funds: $ $FreeProvinces
Port Income: $ $PortIncome
Aristocrat Aid: $ $ModerateSupport
Foreign Aid: $ $ForeignAid
(set: $BrazilTreasury to ($BrazilTreasury + $FreeProvinces + $PortIncome + $ModerateSupport + $ForeignAid))
TOTAL: $ $BrazilTreasury
(if: $PortsOccupied > 1)[
(set: $PortugueseReinforcements to $PortugalSupplyStrength)
(set: $PortugueseReinforcements to ($PortugueseReinforcements * $PortugalMorale))
(set: $PortugueseReinforcements to ($PortugueseReinforcements * 3))
The Portuguese have landed $PortugueseReinforcements new troops.
(set: $PortugalArmy to ($PortugalArmy + $PortugueseReinforcements))
(if: $PortsOccupied < 1)[
The Portuguese are unable to land any new troops this year.
[[Victory Check Phase->VictoryCheck]]VICTORY CHECK PHASE
(set: $SeatsLost to ($PortugalMorale - 80))
(if: $SeatsLost > 0)[Due to continuing commitment to the war effort, King John VI's pro-war party in the Cortes has gained $SeatsLost seats. (set: $CortesMajority to ($CortesMajority + $SeatsLost)) Their majority now stands at $CortesMajority seats.]
(if: $SeatsLost <= 0)[(set: $SeatsLost to ($SeatsLost * -1)) Due to the events of the year and war weariness, King John VI's pro-war party has lost $SeatsLost seats in the Cortes! (set: $CortesMajority to ($CortesMajority - $SeatsLost)) Their majority now stands at $CortesMajority seats.]
(if: $CortesMajority <= 0)[King John VI's Government has fallen! The new government officially recognizes Brazilian independence and declares an immediate ceasefire to hostilities! [[Celebrate Victory!->VictoryScreen]] ]
(if: $PortsOccupied <= 0 and $ProvincesOccupied <= 0)[Brazil has won a complete Military Victory. [[Celebrate Victory!->VictoryScreen]] ]
(if: $FreePorts <=0 and $FreeProvinces <=0)[Portugal has won a complete Military Victory. [[Defeat->DefeatScreen]] ]
[[Continue for another year->UpdateYear]]UPDATE YEAR
You sit back and ponder the extrordinary events of $GameYear.
(if: $GameYear is 1821)[You read about the election of the American President Monroe, who appears to support the idea of Europe staying out of North and South America. You read about other nations fighting for their independence, including the Greeks, and your neighbors in Peru declaring independence from Spain.]
(if: $GameYear is 1822)[ ]
(if: $GameYear is 1823)[ ]
(if: $GameYear is 1824)[ ]
(if: $GameYear is 1825)[ ]
(if: $GameYear is 1826)[ ]
(if: $GameYear is 1827)[ ]
(if: $GameYear is 1828)[ ]
(if: $GameYear is 1829)[ ]
(if: $GameYear is 1830)[ ]
(if: $GameYear is 1831)[ ]
(if: $GameYear is 1832)[ ]
(set: $GameYear to ($GameYear + 1))
(set: $BrazilCampaignBonus to 0)
(set: $NavalStrategy to "None")
(set: $MoraleDelta to 0)
[[Naval phase->Navy]]DECLARATION OF $GameYear
Brazil has reformed its government and ratified a written constitution of basic principles for its people!
(set: $GovernmentType to "Reformed")
The Brazilian people are reacting with enthusiasm to the declaration. Morale has improved steadily!
(set: $BrazilMorale to ($BrazilMorale + 20))
(set: $ModerateSupport to ($ModerateSupport + 10))
[[Next Phase->DiplomacyPhase]] DECLARATION OF $GameYear
Brazil has abolished the abominable practice of slavery! This is sure to improve our standing in the eyes of the world!
(set: $SlaveryStatus to "Abolished")
Although the African population of Brazil is enthusiastic by the declaration, support for the war effort has declined slightly on the whole. Slaveowners and wealthy aristocrats have also cut back their funding of our war efforts substantially.
(set: $BrazilMorale to ($BrazilMorale - 10))
(set: $ModerateSupport to ($ModerateSupport - 25))
[[Next Phase->DiplomacyPhase]] DECLARATION OF $GameYear
Brazil has issued land reforms allowing for a more equitable distribution of territory and more local control! Morale for your leadership has increased steadily, but wealthy aristocrats are giving up their support for this war and supporting a compromise with Portugal.
(set: $LandreformStatus to "Reformed")
(set: $BrazilMorale to ($BrazilMorale + 20))
(set: $ModerateSupport to ($ModerateSupport - 25))
[[Next Phase->DiplomacyPhase]] DECLARATION OF $GameYear
Brazil has declared its independence from Portugal! Morale and support have increased! However, at least some of the aristocrats have withdrawn their support for you, favoring a negotiated settlement for semi-autonomy with Portugal and viewing this as a betrayal of that goal.
(set: $WarAim to "Independence")
(set: $BrazilMorale to ($BrazilMorale + 15))
(set: $ModerateSupport to ($ModerateSupport - 10))
[[Next Phase->DiplomacyPhase]] Minister Custaro takes a bit of chew from his tin and gently massages it into his gums. "Politics is a dangerous game, my friend. You always risk alienating one group in order to please another. Sometimes doing nothing at all is safest."
"But, desperate times can call for desperate measures. Take care, because any decision here will be irreversible."
He leans back. "We are still relying on the colonial infrastructure to govern our lands. This system is of Portugal, not of Brazil. We need a constitution and elections to increase our support among the people."
"The question of slavery hangs heavily in the mind of our theorists. Abolishing it may make it easier to gain support from Portugal's enemies, particularly the British and French. On the other hand, this is sure to upset the conservative and wealthy aristocrats who support our cause and who are currently funding this war!"
"The basic structure of our economy could be reformed to allow more local ownership of lands. This will increase the morale of our people and is a much-needed change. But, caution should be advised- change is not always good for the strength of our economy, which of course we depend on for resources."
"Finally, there is the question of why we are fighting. Most want a free and independent Brazil. We could declare this to the world - this will encourage both foreign powers to aid our noble fight, and improve our morale. But it will also close the door on a negotiated settlement with Portugal, which in turn may cost us the support of the conservative and wealthy (who, again, we currently rely on heavily)."
(set: $RecommendationGiven to 0)
(if: $RecommendationGiven is 0 and $GovernmentType is "Colonial")["Ah, you are seeking my advice? Political reform seems the safest route to take. Reform that, and worry about other changes later on." (set: $RecommendationGiven to 1) ]
(if: $RecommendationGiven is 0 and $WarAim is not "Independence")["I think now is the time for our proud nation to declare independence!" (set: $RecommendationGiven to 1) ]
[[Back to Decision->PoliticalPhase]] You meet in earnest with the Portuguese envoy.
(if: $WarAim is "Constitutional Autonomy")[He begins impressed with Brazil's desire to secure autonomy while remaining under the official umbrella of Portugal. He believes he can take your concerns to King John VI and either erode support for the war, or at the very least, secure the defection of some members of the Cortes to vote against further Portuguese military deployments to Brazil so negotiations can continue.]
(if: $WarAim is "Independence")[He expresses great concern that Brazil has now declared independence, suggesting the lack of any desire to remain under the King's jurisdiction. "I am afraid I am not optimistic that I can do much, but I will nevertheless communicate your position and concerns to the Cortes, and perhaps in combination with our successes elsewhere, we can reduce support for the war effort in Portugal."]
(set: $DiplomacyTarget to "Portugal")
[[Continue to Army Planning Phase->ArmyPlanningPhase]] You meet with the British Ambassador.
(if: $SlaveryStatus is "Abolished" and $MajorVictories > 2 and $WarAim is "Independence") [He believes your talks are productive and will bring your position to London. He is confident the British will provide aid.]
(if: $SlaveryStatus is "Legal")[He hears you out, but expresses concern at Brazilian slavery. He fears aid may be less likely while this issue remains a reality in Brazil.]
(if: $MajorVictories is < 2)[The ambassador is concerned that Brazil has not yet proven itself in battle.]
(if: $WarAim is not "Independence")[The ambassador is concerned that Brazil is not fighting for true independence in this conflict, and questions why the British Empire should intervene if the matter is internal to Portugal.]
(set: $DiplomacyTarget to "Great Britain")
[[Next phase->ArmyPlanningPhase]] You meet with the French Ambassador.
(if: $SlaveryStatus is "Abolished" and $MajorVictories > 1 and $WarAim is "Independence") [He believes your talks are productive and will bring your position to Paris. He is confident the French will provide aid.]
(if: $SlaveryStatus is "Legal")[He hears you out, but expresses concern at Brazilian slavery. He fears aid may be less likely while this issue remains a reality in Brazil.]
(if: $MajorVictories is < 2)[The ambassador is concerned that Brazil has not yet proven itself in battle.]
(if: $WarAim is not "Independence")[The ambassador is concerned that Brazil is not fighting for true independence in this conflict, and questions why France should intervene if the matter is internal to Portugal.]
(set: $DiplomacyTarget to "France")
[[Next phase->ArmyPlanningPhase]] You meet with the American Ambassador.
(if: $SlaveryStatus is "Legal" and $MajorVictories > 1 and $WarAim is "Independence") [He believes your talks are productive and will bring your position to Washington. He is confident the Congress and President will provide aid.]
(if: $SlaveryStatus is "Abolished")[He hears you out, but expresses concern at Brazilian slavery. He fears aid to a nation that is fighting to end slavery would not be popular among many of his fellow citizens.]
(if: $MajorVictories is < 2)[The ambassador is concerned that Brazil has not yet proven itself in battle.]
(if: $WarAim is not "Independence")[The ambassador is concerned that Brazil is not fighting for true independence in this conflict, and questions why the United States should intervene if the matter is internal to Portugal.]
(set: $DiplomacyTarget to "United States")
[[Next phase->ArmyPlanningPhase]] You meet with the Dutch Ambassador.
(if: $SlaveryStatus is "Abolished" and $MajorVictories > 0 and $WarAim is "Independence") [He believes your talks are productive and will bring your position to Amsterdam. He is confident the Dutch will provide aid.]
(if: $SlaveryStatus is "Legal")[He hears you out, but expresses concern at Brazilian slavery. He fears aid may be less likely while this issue remains a reality in Brazil.]
(if: $MajorVictories is < 1)[The ambassador is concerned that Brazil has not yet proven itself in battle.]
(if: $WarAim is not "Independence")[The ambassador is concerned that Brazil is not fighting for true independence in this conflict, and questions why Holland should intervene if the matter is internal to Portugal.]
(set: $DiplomacyTarget to "Netherlands")
[[Next phase->ArmyPlanningPhase]] Minister Custaro takes a bit of powder from his snuffbox and snorts it gently into his nostril. "Diplomacy is a gentleman's game, and an art I myself do not fancy nor understand much. But, my hope is I can be of some use to you nonetheless."
"First, we would do a great disservice to our cause to attempt victory without the help of foreign powers. Our enemy is more equipped, supplied, and wealthy than us. Foreign support is essential for us to bridge this gap."
"We can always negotiate with the enemy. King John VI's power is not without limits - even he must bow to the will of the Cortes in Lisbon. Perhaps we can swing the support of some members to our cause and in this way reduce his ruling government's resolve to fight this war."
"On the other hand - foreign powers may aid us, but are far more likely to support a cause that they believe has a reasonable chance of success, and that is fighting for true independence - not a reunion with Portugal. Our battlefield successes may make a large difference here."
"As for Great Britain, they are the world's most formidable power but are quite war-weary from their wars with Napoleon. They are also unlikely to aid a slave-trading society."
"The French economy and society is in extreme tatters after decades of war and revolution. But I sense they would love nothing better than to gain some influence in this continent, and if it comes at the expense of their recent Catholic rivals in Portugal, all the better. Like the British and Dutch, they are reluctant to aid slaveholders."
"The Americans are a relatively young republic and wish to remove European colonial forces from the New World. They have supported generously similar causes in New Spain. But their society remains a slaveholding one and may be threatened if our ideals differ too greatly from their own."
"The Dutch are unfortunately an empire beyond their prime. They may be most likely to help us, but by the same token, may have the least to offer us."
"If you want my advice, my friend, start with who is most likely to help us, and work your way up from there."
[[Back to Decision->DiplomacyPhase]] (set: $BrazilTreasury to ($BrazilTreasury - 25))
(set: $BrazilForts to ($BrazilForts + 1))
Your engineers erect a massive fort at a strategic path. This will surely slow down the enemy's advance on our provinces.
[[Back to Planning->ArmyPlanningPhase]] (set: $BrazilTreasury to ($BrazilTreasury - 25))
(set: $BrazilCampaignBonus to ($BrazilCampaignBonus + 1))
You direct your generals to draw up offensive plans and prepare for battle in the upcoming season. Our troops will now receive a Campaign Bonus this year of $BrazilCampaignBonus .
[[Back to Planning->ArmyPlanningPhase]] (set: $BrazilTreasury to ($BrazilTreasury - 25))
You put out a call for patriotic soldiers all across Brazil to fight for their freedom.
Provinces Recruiting: $FreeProvinces
Brazilian Morale: $BrazilMorale
(set: $SoldiersRecruited to ($FreeProvinces * $BrazilMorale))
(set: $SoldiersRecruited to ($SoldiersRecruited * 10))
We manage to raise $SoldiersRecruited new troops for our army.
(set: $BrazilSupplyRatePct to ($BrazilSupplyRate / 100))
(if: $BrazilSupplyRatePct is > 1)[(set: $BrazilSupplyRatePct to 1)]
(set: $TrueSoldiers to ($SoldiersRecruited * $BrazilSupplyRatePct))
However, due to desertion, dysentery, and starvation as a result of poor supplies, only $TrueSoldiers make it through the campaign season ready for action!
(set: $BrazilArmy to ($BrazilArmy + $TrueSoldiers))
[[Back to Planning->ArmyPlanningPhase]] Minister Custaro chuckles as he sips a bottle of brandy. "Yes, yes, generals are wonderful, but you need to look at the big picture to win a war. A battle is one thing, the war is another."
He wrinkles his brow. "It seems to me that if all of our provinces are occupied, we lose. If we recapture all of our ports and provinces, we win. It is simple as that. But I suspect political willpower will carry the day before either eventuality should come to pass."
"Instead, we should focus on building an army. But to maintain an army requires supplies. The more provinces we have, and the higher the morale of our people is to fight this war, the more troops we can raise."
"If we wish to slow down the enemy's progress, we can always build forts. Forts have the benefit of lasting from year to year, rather than being a one-time investment."
"If we want to recapture territory, well then, that requires cannons, siege equipment, spies. But we won't defeat an enemy that is too much stronger than us!"
(set: $RecommendationGiven to 0)
(if: $PortugalArmy > $BrazilArmy)["My advice? We need more troops, my friend. We must Recruit more soldiers as our first priority!" (set: $RecommendationGiven to 1)]
(if: $RecommendationGiven is 0 and $BrazilSupplyRate < 50)["My advice is that we immediately and urgently address the lack of supplies, or no army will survive for long." (set: $RecommendationGiven to 1)]
[[Back to Decision->ArmyPlanningPhase]] (set: $BrazilTreasury to ($BrazilTreasury - 25))
(set: $BrazilSupplyRate to ($BrazilSupplyRate + 10))
Your officers pay merchants throughout provinces for goods to store up for your army. Our Supply Rate has temporarily been raised to $BrazilSupplyRate %.
[[Back to Planning->ArmyPlanningPhase]] YOU WIN!Programmed by Michael J. Boska (
Thanks to
Anna Anthropy
Anna P
Beta Testing:
Jacob B.
Brandon O.
Joseph B.
[[Return->Untitled Passage]] Programmed by Michael J. Boska, Spring-Summer 2020.
This game simulates the events of the Brazilian War for Independence, 1821-25.
5.5.20 * added more thorough Introduction explaining events
* removed possibility of decimal points being used for Provinces
* allowed game to recognize a complete MIlitary Victory for either side as a way to end the game
* allowed Ports to be recaptured if all provinces already liberated in army updates screen
* began Newspaper feature for 1821 annual updates
- create Score Screen on victory page to show exactly how well the player did, so they can aspire to a higher Score next time.
- allow enemy's Supply Rate to be diminished faster in successful Interdiction
- more RPG aspects
- annual Newspapers to explain world events ongoing
- fix ground / army combat system
- add basic free graphics
- clicking and musical sound effects?
- more dynamic text and text colors
[[Return->Untitled Passage]] INTRODUCTION
When Europeans first discovered the New World in the late 15th Century, the land now known as Brazil was inhabited by the Tupi and Tapuia indigenous people. Quickly the territory was colonized by both Spain and Portugal, who struggled and competed for sugar and other rich crops.
[[Skip Introduction->BeginGame]]
The ugliness of slavery, both of native peoples and others brought from Africa, quickly reared its head. As other colonial powers such as the Dutch and French attempted to assert their own influence and control in South America, slave rebellions also continued.
Gold, diamonds, and other rich luxuries made Brazil a continuing source of strife between powers in the 18th century.
[[Continue->Introduction3]]The colonial era began to wane when the United States secured independence from Britain in 1783. In 1789, a revolution in France ultimately led to the rise of Emperor Napoleon, who invaded Portugal in 1808.
The Portuguese government, with the aid of Britain, fled to Brazil where ultimately the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves promoted Brazil to an equal partner in the empire.
With the defeat of Napoleon in 1815, Portuguese King John VI returned to Lisbon, where the medieval legislative body known as the Cortes was reassembled. Brazil was quietly returned to the status of a colony, much to the chagrin of the local leader, Dom Pedro.
Meanwhile, Spanish colonies in Latin America (collectively known as New Spain) had already begun to secure independence from Spain. Could Dom Pedro accomplish the same for his own nation?
[[Let's find out->BeginGame]] YOU LOSE!!!!